Whether you envision a subtle refresh or a more substantial rejuvenation, we offer a range of cosmetic services to help you look and feel years younger. Dr. Amir Moarefi, our facial aesthetics expert, is experienced in an array of surgical and non-surgical medical cosmetic treatments, including injections, fillers, eyelid surgery and more.

During your free consultation, Dr. Moarefi will talk with you to understand your desired look, then recommend a treatment plan tailored specifically to you. Take a peek at our before and after photos below, then schedule your free consultation with Dr. Moarefi.


Lip & Cheek Transformations by Dr. Moarefi at LA Sight


Before & After Photos of Chin & Neck Transformations at LA Sight in West LA.



5-Star LASIK at LA Sight in Los Angeles
  • I didn’t expect to leave with perfect vision AND a smooth face! Dr. Moarefi’s treatments are very natural. No one will suspect you’ve had any  work done, they’ll just assume you are aging gracefully!


  • So amazing. And so easy! The most stressful part about all of this – I’m constantly being mistaken for a 26-year-old at work! But I’m not mad about it. 🙂


  • What I love most is that Dr. Moarefi just gets it. He knows exactly what to do and how to do it to make you feel beautiful, balanced, and confident. Some people learn injection skills by years and years of practice, but Amir is the type of artist who is BORN with the talent, and that is consistently exemplified in his work.


Amir Moarefi, MD

Free Consultation

Book Your Visit with Dr. Moarefi