I’m a photographer. My vision is my life. For years I could get by without glasses, but that ended in my mid-30’s. I had heard about laser treatment for a long time, but never really paid much attention to it. Not that I wasn’t interested, but my visual needs are so specific, and so critical, that I just could not imagine having this treatment. I felt that even if there were only a remote chance that after treatment my vision could be imperfect, it just wasn’t worth the risk. I’m a perfectionist, and I guess that I either wanted a guarantee of perfect results, or nothing at all.
About a year ago, I asked my optometrist about vision correction. I was surprised to hear him talk favorably about LASIK, and about Dr. Wallace. It still took over 6 months to get up the courage to call his office and schedule a consultation.
I’m no expert on the medical profession, but I do consider myself a good judge of character. When I walked in to Dr. Wallace’s office, I felt comfortable and at ease. the whole staff was great — very friendly, very supportive, and sympathetic to my concerns. Dr. Wallace spent a long time talking with me, answering my questions, and teaching me a lot about the intricacies of the treatment. I liked his low-key, straight-forward, no-nonsense approach. Bottom line — I felt comfortable with him, and with the office, and with the process of having LASIK.
The treatment itself was anti-climactic; no big deal, really. It was over before I knew it. By the very next day, my vision was crystal clear. I never had any of the problems with night vision, glare, or haze that I have heard some people have. Maybe I got lucky, or maybe Dr. Wallace is a better surgeon than most others. Maybe both.
My left eye did change a little several months after the LASIK, and I was nervous about having the touch-up surgery. Again, it was no big deal. Even easier than the original treatment. And my vision now is crystal clear.
In my profession, there is a wide range of talent among people that call themselves professional photographers. I guess that’s why there are a lot of guys who shoot weddings and Bar Mitzvahs, and only a few who work with major designers on projects with gorgeous models. Dr. Wallace is a class act, and to me seems one of the best in his field.
I appreciate that.
Thanks, Dr. Wallace!