Very often I still catch myself in amazement at how well I can see since the lasik operation. Especially appreaciated early this year when we were skiing in the Alps by day and night. Hope you are all well. Everything is going very well here in Monte-Carlo – especially my eye sight! I”m still trying to convince everyone I meet to fly to LA to have Lasik done right!
Next time I’m in town I’d love to come in for a check up. Thanks again and hope you enjoy the summer,
All the best,
Doctor Wallace says:
Max is a very talented filmmaker, who also teaches a film course in Monte Carlo, Monaco. He’s a fanatic for detail, and wanted the best possible results from vision correction.
His degree of nearsightedness is in the mild, easily treatable range, but he also had very large pupils, measuring 8.0mm in darkness in both eyes. For pupils of this size I feel that better results are achieved with the Alcon/Autonomous (“LADARVision”) laser than with the Visx laser. I recommended treatment accordingly, and his results are “through the roof” spectacular. Even at night or on a shooting stage with lights dim, he has absolutely no glare, halo, loss of clarity, or other (even minor) problems.
He had LASIK in February ’02, and sent the email comments to us (above) in June ’05, so we know that he has retained excellent and stable vision for years following his treatment.