Doctor Wallace says:
Mel used to have excellent unaided distance vision, but noticed that this had deteriorated over the past couple of years. He had also become near-sighted. His best-corrected vision was 20/50 in the right eye and 20/40 in the left. His problem? Cataracts, a clouding of the natural lens in side the eye. The solution for him was to remove the cataracts and place high-quality intraocular lenses.
We discussed the relative merits of all modern lens styles. Mel decided that he wanted optimal distance clarity in one eye and optimal reading clarity in the other. This combination is often referred to as monovision. He had care for his right eye first and then waited several months to have treatment in the left eye.
Now he’s really comfortable, enjoying perfect unaided distance clarity with his right eye and perfect reading clarity with his left. He almost never feels the need to wear any glasses for any purpose.